The provisional results, with 88.44% of the votes counted, give the “YES-YES” option 80.72% of the votes, 10.11% votes support the "Yes-No" option, and 4.55% votes supporting the "No" option. The data is over a provisional voter turnout of 2,043,226 participations.
VP results
The Vice-President of the Catalan Government and Minister of Governance and Institutional Relations, Joana Ortega, disclosed the provisional results regarding today’s citizenry participation process on the political future of Catalonia., with 88.44% of the votes counted, representing votes counted in 5,921 polling stations of the 6,695 across Catalonia.
The data on the provisional results accounted 2,043,226 participations, distributed in the following percentages:
  • Yes-Yes: 80.72% (1,649,239 participations)
  • Yes-No: 10.11% (206,599 participations)
  • Yes-Blank: 0.98% (19,969 participations)
  • No: 4.55% (92,939 participations)
  • Blank: 0.56% (11,443 participations)
  • Other contributions: 3.09% (63,037 participations)
The total estimated participation during the 9-N, drawn by incorporating the polling stations which are pending vote recount, accounts for approximately 2,250,000 participants.
Data on regional and municipal participation will soon be available at


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141109 Vice-President results

141109 Vice-President results
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